Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Quickly approaching

I must stay inspired. I bought new shoes. I bought Mint Chocolate GU. I'm getting excited or I'm trying too. Its hard though. I'm so sick of eating. I know I'm crazy. I'm especially tired of eating the SAME things over and over again for fear of trying something new and sabotaging my runs or my GI tract in general. I'm trying to get my runs in. I'm hitting that time when my life is taking over my running the way my running took over my life 10 months ago. I need to stay on track just a little longer. This weekend? 20 mile race on Sunday in Clarksburg. CIM is just 4 weeks and 4 days left.

I'm also posting over at my bookclub (that hasn't gotten off the ground yet) blog and my "the rest of my life" blog. Since I'm posting EVERY DAY for NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month). I hope to get my computer up and rolling for downloading the boys pics from Halloween and the pumpkin patch I may even post on their blogs since its been so long. You can check out my profile for those sites.

Tonight my papa is coming down to watch the kiddos while I run. I'm feeding him at 5:30 after Hollywoods guitar practice. I need to drink plenty of water this week to say hydrated and fueled for this weekend. I did update some pix on my photography blog too if any of you are interested. My hope is that on days the hubby is gone (he took overtime today) I can get my longer posts in and just little updates when he's home so we can spend more one on one time together and with the kids.


Julianne said...

You're going to do great! You put the training miles and it will SHOW on race day. Btw, those photos on your photography blog are great!!

ShirleyPerly said...

Good luck on your 20-miler race!